They have no luck in their findings, just scattered things everywhere, and piles of ash. They just decided to look around in the place for the best place to sleep, though they were really unsure of this place. They looked around for a little while untill they found the best place. It took them only about five mins to setup a tent, once they set it up one of them had to answer mother nature's call. so he wander off to a good place to take care of what he needed to do. After he zips up his crotch, he looks to his side. He sees what he hoped never to see in the same place of where his is sleeping. It is an ancient skeleton, whose skull is broken as if a giant axe has come down onto it. He runs back to their camp, he finds his friend who himselve has maid a discovery, an anicent axe which was broken in the middle of the handle, the axe was huge, they compared the axe size to what the human would be weildeding it. They could only think of one type of race in history that big, Vickings. They thought that their discovery was the coolest part of the trip. So they pack up the giant axe, and they sleep untill the next morning. They wake up before the crack of dawn. They go hiking as soon as they wake up. They have been at it for about three hours before they decided to take a break from hiking, so far they have seen nothing. They sit, break into their lunch pails.
After about an hour of eating they all of a sudden think that they see something. They hiked down to it, it turns out that it is a giant ship. They were super stoked at the findings, the found a hole in the ship, they crawled into is nearly hitting their head on a suit of armour wrapped around a skeleton. The armour matched the craft of the axe they found earlier. Everything on the ship, including the ship itself, was huge. They start searching around for and type of treasures, they split up. Aesis finds an ancient Viking book.Barthemeis hasn't seen anything, untill he stumbles upon a chest full of gold. Barthemeis, yells out I have found gold, he wait for awhile to hear the return call of Aesis. Barthemeis shoves a whole bunch of heavy gold into his pack, then he searches for Aesis. He looks everywhere for him, but still he cannot find him. About an hour goes by before he starts hearing flies buzzing around. Barthemeis turns around to find a body with a huge axe through it's skull hanging from the wall. Barthemeis, starts to panic, he turns to run only to meet a giant stinky man. Then nothing.
Nothing has been heard of Barthemeis and Aesis since. The Boat also just disappered from existence. This image was also lost because the death of Barthemeis.

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