Thursday, April 19, 2012
EC: Blog
Thank you for logging on to watch the weekly show! This week has broken our old record of viewers. Today we have reached one! Well, after that exciting news let us get back to the really important news! The stud of the week! The stud of the week is Theseus. He is a greatly rounded man forom the looks, to the muscles, to the brains, he even isn't a selfish using man (as some would put most men to be)! He will rescue you from grave danger! If you are down he will be there to cheer you up! So here you go ladies, and some gentlemen your dream man!
Well thanks for veiwing our online show! Always remember to stay classy! *Sound of a plug being pulled on a tv*

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Fatal Flaw!
There was once a boy whose name is unknown. He had a ruff time at the end of his sophomore summer. He went to school, and was hanging out with the people who brought him down in the world.
He started talking to a girl that he used to talk to a little bit. She didn't say what she really thought of his new friends. She had kind of Earth Mother characterists, when they first started talking. The boy realized after awhile that if he wants to go in anywhere in the world. He had stop hanging out with the group of people that he was at the beginning of the year.So he did, he started to be a loner for awhile.
After awhile though, his old friends started talking to him again, he sparked the dry lint of old friendships. He realized that he had changed for awhile greatly, he didn't what-so-ever like what he was. He fell into the rhythm of being him old self. The girl, and the boy started being pretty good friends (that's what he thought). He started to think that the girl was changing a lot. They started to argue a lot more then usual. After what seemed to be a year of them argue, then friends again, and a lot of apologizing to the girl. He started to think about the situation. He decided finally that it was him that started to change. He started getting impatient with ever thing.
Well, the time finally came! The English Shakespeare trip to go see Romeo, and Juliet. He was excited, because him and the girl we were good friends at the time. He thought it was going to be a good time. Well it turned out to go completely sour. He thought that he wasn't getting any respect (he just didn't realize that they were harmless jokes at the time). He lost his thought as his anger rose, and he said something without really thinking about it. He was mad for a long time after ward. The boy started thinking about what he said to the girl on the trip. He shortly realize that it was just harmless jokes that he got mad at. Angry at himself, he started to hate himself for his quickness to anger. This fatal flaw was the thing to lose the boy a friendship. He thought about what to do, then it struck him as hard as a real punch. He needs to learn to be more patient with the things he likes, dislikes, and just everything. It is unfortunate that he had to realize this the hard way!
The boy's name is Dalton, we were later tipped by a very credible source. The girls name was never found....

After awhile though, his old friends started talking to him again, he sparked the dry lint of old friendships. He realized that he had changed for awhile greatly, he didn't what-so-ever like what he was. He fell into the rhythm of being him old self. The girl, and the boy started being pretty good friends (that's what he thought). He started to think that the girl was changing a lot. They started to argue a lot more then usual. After what seemed to be a year of them argue, then friends again, and a lot of apologizing to the girl. He started to think about the situation. He decided finally that it was him that started to change. He started getting impatient with ever thing.
Well, the time finally came! The English Shakespeare trip to go see Romeo, and Juliet. He was excited, because him and the girl we were good friends at the time. He thought it was going to be a good time. Well it turned out to go completely sour. He thought that he wasn't getting any respect (he just didn't realize that they were harmless jokes at the time). He lost his thought as his anger rose, and he said something without really thinking about it. He was mad for a long time after ward. The boy started thinking about what he said to the girl on the trip. He shortly realize that it was just harmless jokes that he got mad at. Angry at himself, he started to hate himself for his quickness to anger. This fatal flaw was the thing to lose the boy a friendship. He thought about what to do, then it struck him as hard as a real punch. He needs to learn to be more patient with the things he likes, dislikes, and just everything. It is unfortunate that he had to realize this the hard way!
The boy's name is Dalton, we were later tipped by a very credible source. The girls name was never found....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Missing Piece

It all starts in New Zealand , my sister and I were on a summer trip. We were sight seeing, when a big shady group of people walked up to us to ask us something. “Do you have the Piece,” the biggest guy in the front asked. “I have no idea what your taking about dude,” they started to whisper to themselves for five tense minutes. Then they just wandered into the distance. My sister and I just looked at each other in wonder, then we soon disregarded this eerie notion when we remembered what we were doing. We went back to finding the entrance to a hidden temple we have found. We searched, and searched, till we stumbled upon an ancient trap door. It was about noon when we found the door, so we decided to have some lunch before we go in. We took about half an hour eating, then we struggled to upon the heavy ancient stone trap door. “This door must have not been opened for centuries, Look at these strange symbols on the walls.” “This place is giving me the creeps Dalton we should just go back before we get ourselves lost in here.” “It will be fine, I will mark the floor so we won’t get lost.” “Ok, just make sure to mark it good!”
“Ya, I will. Now come on slow poke.”
We started down the narrow hallway which had scratches down the walls, it looked like something with five sharp claws was trapped, or even tortured down in the passage. “This is weird, whatever was down here must have been down here for awhile look at this!” Stacey called to me. Well that is definitely the strangest looking bones I’ve ever seen.” “We should definitely find out more about this strange temple,” I told Stacey. Went got out of the strange hallway, we found a secret door. The room we entered in opened up into multiple sections, one had a green lake in it with what looked to be some sort of fishing tools. The other just had bleachers looking down upon the great green lake. “This must have been something towards the coliseum,” I whispered to my sister as I preceded towards the green lake. As soon as I got near something in me seemed to change, I got pissed of at every little thing my sister was saying, and doing. I grabbed a pole not even knowing what to do, but it felt like I had been in this situation before. As if I have rehearsed it till I perfected it. Whatever these feelings gave me I knew they weren’t right, but I let my body do it. I grabbed the fishing tools, and started waving it into the green lake, the movements felt foreign, at the same time it felt right. After, what seemed like only a few minutes, 3 hours I was toying with something that I fished out of the green lake. My sister was just sitting there staring at me, a sincere look of wonder on her face. She tried to speak to me, but I wouldn’t hear any of it. I interrupted each time, I just yelled. After a short while of intense yelling I went back to the thing that I fished out of the green lake. I pressed something down, as I did something whispered
“Finna minn stað og ég skal veita hvert ósk þína.”
“Did you hear that?” Stacey just looked at me. “No.” “Well this thing just said, find my place, and you shall be rewarded.” “I think that we should leave the temple, I don’t think I t belongs here.” “Finally, I have been dieing to get out of this place forever.” We left to the narrow passage again. When we appeared out in the opened it was a round noon. We headed out to the town we started out in. “Hey you feel about going to Iceland ?” My sister just shook her head in agreement. We enter the United States , and started backing up or stuff for the trip to Iceland . We were in the airport when I first noticed it. That group of shady people, they were watching us. I looked around to see if anybody noticed them, but people just walked on through them. I just disregarded them, as we boarded the plane. The trip was a really short one. We were lucky enough to get a straight though flight. Sixteen hours later we arrived, I sensed that the thing was more at peace. We wandered around this huge fjord for what seemed like three days. After only the third hour or so, I spotted a ship.
This ship was huge, and had a dragon head on the front of it. We entered the great ship. “Wow look at this, these weapons and armour is huge.” “This must be a grand Viking ship,” I said right before I slipped into the main hall entrance. There is wear I found the huge ogreish bodies of men. They didn’t looked decayed or anything. Just blue and frozen, like they could still draw just one more breathe. I looked at the pedestool that they all gathered around. I saw that the object had the right fittings for the indentation. I placed it in the indentation, suddenly the huge men just started up again. They first looked at the pedestool then to me. They one at a time came up. “Þúsund þakkir upon þig lítið stríðsforinginn!” Then my sister and I in amzement left the ship. It faded as I heard the men yell, “Til vegum og Ran!” My sister just had a meer look of gratitude towards me. Later that year, I returned to the temple I got the object from. There was a Grand carved statue of a dragon. The also was a coin that was to show the most gratitude that they could.

Friday, February 3, 2012
My Super Archetypes
Well lets start with the start of my adventure...... It was a moonlit June 13th, in the year of 1994. It thundered, and with a loud crack in the sky it turned to the day of June known as flag's day. Late on the 14th of June, a baby was born. The baby's name is Dalton Kandle.

It was not long before I figured which one the very many people I would meet in my life would be the Earth mother. My earth mother is my mom she was always there to tell me to go inside and play when my dad work me to hard. The father figure in my younger life was definitely my dad, I loved spending as much time with him as I could when I was younger. When I got older though, particularly when we decided to move into the town of Big Timber, he began to change. Now we just argue a lot and he honestly pisses me off. Sisters, well it was easy to get to know the younger of my sisters, we lived together through her high school years. My other sister lived with my sisters' actual dad for many years. I have just been recently been getting to know my oldest sister, she is pretty cool we like a lot of the same things. They both live over in Boise, Idaho now. I can hardly wait till the next time I get to see them.
Wise old man, this is the one I raked my brain for, but there has been no one that I can think of.... I have met a few old war veterans, but I wouldn' t consider them close enough to me. My ARCH ENEMY would definitely have to be this kid from grade school named Richie. We were friends when we first met for awhile then, he did something at school that pushed me over the edge. We started to fight after that in school, the bus, and after school. I started to hate the little prick. Thank goodness I stopped going to school in Reedpoint, and started to go Big Timber. He later moved back to Nevada! That was a good celebration day for me! Monster this one was tough... But a long night of thinking about it I figured it out. He was an ok friend in Reedpoint, but he started to follow this jerk. He did everything for the guy, it was honestly funny, because he just looked pathetic. We just stopped talking after that happened. The one I have been putting off.... The Maiden. Well there have been a many few in my life time already. Of course there will be in every one's life. I never really thought of one that was a super serious maiden. Well for the fatal women, I haven't come across one.
Many a road more will I travel down though we will have to see what happens in the future....!

It was not long before I figured which one the very many people I would meet in my life would be the Earth mother. My earth mother is my mom she was always there to tell me to go inside and play when my dad work me to hard. The father figure in my younger life was definitely my dad, I loved spending as much time with him as I could when I was younger. When I got older though, particularly when we decided to move into the town of Big Timber, he began to change. Now we just argue a lot and he honestly pisses me off. Sisters, well it was easy to get to know the younger of my sisters, we lived together through her high school years. My other sister lived with my sisters' actual dad for many years. I have just been recently been getting to know my oldest sister, she is pretty cool we like a lot of the same things. They both live over in Boise, Idaho now. I can hardly wait till the next time I get to see them.
Wise old man, this is the one I raked my brain for, but there has been no one that I can think of.... I have met a few old war veterans, but I wouldn' t consider them close enough to me. My ARCH ENEMY would definitely have to be this kid from grade school named Richie. We were friends when we first met for awhile then, he did something at school that pushed me over the edge. We started to fight after that in school, the bus, and after school. I started to hate the little prick. Thank goodness I stopped going to school in Reedpoint, and started to go Big Timber. He later moved back to Nevada! That was a good celebration day for me! Monster this one was tough... But a long night of thinking about it I figured it out. He was an ok friend in Reedpoint, but he started to follow this jerk. He did everything for the guy, it was honestly funny, because he just looked pathetic. We just stopped talking after that happened. The one I have been putting off.... The Maiden. Well there have been a many few in my life time already. Of course there will be in every one's life. I never really thought of one that was a super serious maiden. Well for the fatal women, I haven't come across one.
Many a road more will I travel down though we will have to see what happens in the future....!

Friday, January 27, 2012
Urban Legend
These friends named Aesis and Barthemeis, decide to go out, explore the coast in search of an ancient treasure, they were expecially hoping to find a ship. They are on the Norwegian coast, very mountainis terrain. They have been preparing for this adventure for about five years saving money, supplies, and for GPS devices. They live, in Athens, Greece. After the long, long five years of saving and stocking up supplies, they book a plane to Norway. This is the first time for both of them out of the country. The trip took about 14 hours, lets just says it wasn't a First class trip. They decided the will rent a place near the coast, then early the next morning they will head out on the hike. They finally find a run down hotel, that is the nastiest building they have ever seen in their life. They are skeptical about going into the the bulilding as it is, but they force themselves in thinking that is the closest to the coast as they will be able to get. They enter the ancient looking door, they look inside everything is charcoled as if it has been burned many centuries ago. They begin to look around, what they don't know is that their true adventure begins now, for any sign that anyone has been here.
They have no luck in their findings, just scattered things everywhere, and piles of ash. They just decided to look around in the place for the best place to sleep, though they were really unsure of this place. They looked around for a little while untill they found the best place. It took them only about five mins to setup a tent, once they set it up one of them had to answer mother nature's call. so he wander off to a good place to take care of what he needed to do. After he zips up his crotch, he looks to his side. He sees what he hoped never to see in the same place of where his is sleeping. It is an ancient skeleton, whose skull is broken as if a giant axe has come down onto it. He runs back to their camp, he finds his friend who himselve has maid a discovery, an anicent axe which was broken in the middle of the handle, the axe was huge, they compared the axe size to what the human would be weildeding it. They could only think of one type of race in history that big, Vickings. They thought that their discovery was the coolest part of the trip. So they pack up the giant axe, and they sleep untill the next morning. They wake up before the crack of dawn. They go hiking as soon as they wake up. They have been at it for about three hours before they decided to take a break from hiking, so far they have seen nothing. They sit, break into their lunch pails.
After about an hour of eating they all of a sudden think that they see something. They hiked down to it, it turns out that it is a giant ship. They were super stoked at the findings, the found a hole in the ship, they crawled into is nearly hitting their head on a suit of armour wrapped around a skeleton. The armour matched the craft of the axe they found earlier. Everything on the ship, including the ship itself, was huge. They start searching around for and type of treasures, they split up. Aesis finds an ancient Viking book.Barthemeis hasn't seen anything, untill he stumbles upon a chest full of gold. Barthemeis, yells out I have found gold, he wait for awhile to hear the return call of Aesis. Barthemeis shoves a whole bunch of heavy gold into his pack, then he searches for Aesis. He looks everywhere for him, but still he cannot find him. About an hour goes by before he starts hearing flies buzzing around. Barthemeis turns around to find a body with a huge axe through it's skull hanging from the wall. Barthemeis, starts to panic, he turns to run only to meet a giant stinky man. Then nothing.
Nothing has been heard of Barthemeis and Aesis since. The Boat also just disappered from existence. This image was also lost because the death of Barthemeis.
They have no luck in their findings, just scattered things everywhere, and piles of ash. They just decided to look around in the place for the best place to sleep, though they were really unsure of this place. They looked around for a little while untill they found the best place. It took them only about five mins to setup a tent, once they set it up one of them had to answer mother nature's call. so he wander off to a good place to take care of what he needed to do. After he zips up his crotch, he looks to his side. He sees what he hoped never to see in the same place of where his is sleeping. It is an ancient skeleton, whose skull is broken as if a giant axe has come down onto it. He runs back to their camp, he finds his friend who himselve has maid a discovery, an anicent axe which was broken in the middle of the handle, the axe was huge, they compared the axe size to what the human would be weildeding it. They could only think of one type of race in history that big, Vickings. They thought that their discovery was the coolest part of the trip. So they pack up the giant axe, and they sleep untill the next morning. They wake up before the crack of dawn. They go hiking as soon as they wake up. They have been at it for about three hours before they decided to take a break from hiking, so far they have seen nothing. They sit, break into their lunch pails.
After about an hour of eating they all of a sudden think that they see something. They hiked down to it, it turns out that it is a giant ship. They were super stoked at the findings, the found a hole in the ship, they crawled into is nearly hitting their head on a suit of armour wrapped around a skeleton. The armour matched the craft of the axe they found earlier. Everything on the ship, including the ship itself, was huge. They start searching around for and type of treasures, they split up. Aesis finds an ancient Viking book.Barthemeis hasn't seen anything, untill he stumbles upon a chest full of gold. Barthemeis, yells out I have found gold, he wait for awhile to hear the return call of Aesis. Barthemeis shoves a whole bunch of heavy gold into his pack, then he searches for Aesis. He looks everywhere for him, but still he cannot find him. About an hour goes by before he starts hearing flies buzzing around. Barthemeis turns around to find a body with a huge axe through it's skull hanging from the wall. Barthemeis, starts to panic, he turns to run only to meet a giant stinky man. Then nothing.
Nothing has been heard of Barthemeis and Aesis since. The Boat also just disappered from existence. This image was also lost because the death of Barthemeis.

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