After awhile though, his old friends started talking to him again, he sparked the dry lint of old friendships. He realized that he had changed for awhile greatly, he didn't what-so-ever like what he was. He fell into the rhythm of being him old self. The girl, and the boy started being pretty good friends (that's what he thought). He started to think that the girl was changing a lot. They started to argue a lot more then usual. After what seemed to be a year of them argue, then friends again, and a lot of apologizing to the girl. He started to think about the situation. He decided finally that it was him that started to change. He started getting impatient with ever thing.
Well, the time finally came! The English Shakespeare trip to go see Romeo, and Juliet. He was excited, because him and the girl we were good friends at the time. He thought it was going to be a good time. Well it turned out to go completely sour. He thought that he wasn't getting any respect (he just didn't realize that they were harmless jokes at the time). He lost his thought as his anger rose, and he said something without really thinking about it. He was mad for a long time after ward. The boy started thinking about what he said to the girl on the trip. He shortly realize that it was just harmless jokes that he got mad at. Angry at himself, he started to hate himself for his quickness to anger. This fatal flaw was the thing to lose the boy a friendship. He thought about what to do, then it struck him as hard as a real punch. He needs to learn to be more patient with the things he likes, dislikes, and just everything. It is unfortunate that he had to realize this the hard way!
The boy's name is Dalton, we were later tipped by a very credible source. The girls name was never found....